Proven, powerful results for your email marketing database.

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Highly personal marketing for highly effective results.

Don’t just send emails. Create engaging, personalised and data driven content that gets people excited about what you have to offer on email.

With personalised, data driven messages, the team at Shout create a more meaningful experience for your shoppers by sending them content they'll find interesting, or offering products or services they may not have seen before.

And if you are worried about what platform you are using don’t worry we have used all the platforms from Klaviyo, Salesforce, Dot Digital, Mailchimp and more!

Michael Jenkins

Michael Jenkins
Digital Strategist

Email marketing process that avoids junk.

When an email campaign is combined with the potency of quality data, Shout can turn trash to treasure, when email leads become ROI worth shouting about.


The subject line

Let’s start at the beginning. Like any well-written email, the subject line indicates what you’re about to open. It’s the starting point and the first part of the Shout email database marketing process.

We start with the subject of what your email data marketing needs to address and run AB tests and optimised send time programs to ensure maximum open rates. We’ll conduct an audit of past marketing activities, identifying what’s worked and what hasn’t. Then map out the body of the program with you.


Email strategy development

D2C, B2B or high-value one-on-one email data marketing, big campaigns or building out complex multi-variant automation flow.

We have done them all! Every email campaign demands its own strategic approach for success. Our global best practice email marketing experts take your ambitions and turn them into a reality by strategising how, when, why and who we want to activate, via email.

By diving deep into your data sources and external databases, our specialists develop a plan of attack that turns an overlooked touchpoint into a recurring revenue stream.


Pressing send on our plan

Only after an agreement is reached by the expert strategists at Shout, and your marketing team, will we hit send and activate our best email marketing plans.

We can create engaging email content, write the copy for you, manage all the variations of your automation flows and ensure that you’re getting the optimum ROI from all of your email marketing activity through our data driven targeting programs.

You’ll gain access to regular reporting, dashboards and WIPs from the Shout team to ensure our execution is going off without a hitch.


Looking back to move further forward

This phase of our process is the most crucial to the success of any campaign, especially in email database marketing.

Here, we review open rates, click-throughs, send times, automation rules, awareness growth, leads or conversions, depending on the unique calls to action within each unique email. We conduct a deep dive into the best performing emails, the most useful data sets and automation flows and then we optimise the next activity to continuously

Get more from your existing customers with our email marketing solutions.

Know anyone who doesn’t use email? Neither do we. Customers and prospects use this channel to stay in touch with your brand. And we use it to boost customer retention, lead generation, event promotion or any other business goal. What can we help your business with?

Effective. Efficient. Easy. Email marketing databases.

An email marketing database is the most cost-effective way to nurture audiences, gain loyalty and increase conversions.

Connect with your audience in a way that sticks for the future. Promote your products and services in a format that only continues to grow, complete with the ability to drive traffic back through to your site or platform. No matter how you envision your email campaigns to function, we’ll ensure they’re backed by a data driven strategy destined to win.

Target your customers directly with our email advertising agency

Email marketing companies like us provide brands from all walks of life a powerful tool for reaching customers from all walks of life. This technique is the most cost-effective way to nurture audiences, gain loyalty and increase conversions.

Connect with your audience in a way that sticks for the future. Promote your products and services in a format that only continues to grow, complete with the ability to drive traffic back through to your site or platform. No matter how you envision your email marketing campaigns to function, we’ll ensure they’re backed by a strategy destined to win.

Gain access to an unlimited number of potential customers through the power of an engaging channel that provides value and engagement. With our digital marketing agency email campaigns, you’ll turn your words into ones that pack a punch.

An email marketing services company that understands your brand

It's not just about sending emails anymore – it's about creating engaging content that will get people excited about what you have to offer. You can use email marketing as an effective tool for customer retention, lead generation, event promotion or any other business goal.

With personalised messages, you can create a more meaningful experience for your shoppers by sending them content they'll find interesting and engaging. You'll also be able to offer them products or services they may not have seen before – all while keeping in touch with what they want to hear from your brand most.

Not enough to entice you? Here are five other ways a strategy like this can be hugely profitable for your business:

  1. Re-engage inactive subscribers: If someone hasn't interacted with your brand in the last six months, it's time to get in touch.
  2. Send targeted offers: Targeted offers pinpoint and show up for certain people who fit specific criteria (e.g., their location).
  3. Deliver personalised content: Use data about individual subscribers to deliver personalised content based on their interests or previous purchases.
  4. Use automation tools: Automation tools allow you to create automated sequences of tasks without any coding knowledge.
  5. Segment your lists: By segmenting your lists into different groups, you'll be able to target specific audiences with tailored messaging that speaks directly to them.

Personalised marketing is the perfect way to connect with your audience. This allows you to send relevant and timely messages, which can lead to increased engagement and satisfaction. As a leading marketing and Melbourne trusted SEO team we will enhance your EDM marketing presence. Looking no further, contact our SEO Sydney and SEO agency in Brisbane to create your SEO strategy along with EDM marketing features.

Tap into data that enhances your email marketing success

A data-driven CRM is the future. It's about understanding who your audience is so you can serve them better. It's not just about knowing how they behave today – it's also about predicting how they will behave tomorrow based on past behaviours and trends.

Create personalised experiences that resonate with each user – no matter where or when they interact with your brand. We’re here to help you grow your business through smarter communication. Engage our B2B email marketing agency now.

Let us manage your campaign for greater success

Email marketing is the most effective way to reach and engage with your audience, but it's not easy. It takes a lot of time and effort to build a successful list of subscribers interested in your products or services. That's why you need an experienced team that can help you manage this process so you can focus on what matters most – growing your business.

Shout has a team of database experts who know how to use emails to gain analytics and use this to reel in an audience via email. In addition, our agency experts work with you one-on-one to create strategies that fit your needs and budget, so there's no guesswork involved.

Get in touch with our digital marketing specialists now. We’re ready to take your campaign and kick it into top gear.

From inbox to online, we’re ready to drive traffic to your brand.

Get set, ready and go with our search engine optimisation packages, designed for businesses throughout Melbourne and wider Australia. As online traffic continues to soar, there’s never been a better time to get ahead of your competition

Our email marketing database providers reach the right people, at the right time.

Right people.

Personalised emails work, delivering as much as six times more transactions (per marketing dollar spent) and 41% higher click-throughs. That’s why our specialists focus your investment on individual prospects and interests.

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Right place.

Be seen where your competition isn’t. Over 70% of brands don’t include email as part of their marketing mix – so we use this channel to disrupt the market and stand out where they’re invisible.

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Every time.

Shout’s email marketing database experts know how to use customer emails to gain data, and use the data to gain customers. Ask us how we can set up a data-fed CRM system that drives revenue for you.

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Results worth shouting about

Looking for a simple way to outperform your competitors?

Email data marketing FAQs

We answer a few of the more common questions around email data marketing. Anything you want to know that we haven’t covered here? Just give us a shout.

Email data Marketing is marketing via email to make the recipient of that email aware of your product, service, promotion, or to get them to take action to fulfil one of your business’ marketing goals.

Another valid use for email database marketing is to “keep warm”, which is a tactic that maintains your customer engagement with your business or product while they wait for it to be delivered, wait for it to launch, or find themselves in a holding pattern in between touchpoints with your business.

Data-driven email marketing is the most effective way to optimise subscriber engagement and drive conversions because you are using data to determine the right content to send your audience. It is using data to create user personas, understand your audience’s demographics and personalities and also discover where they sit on the sales funnels and their intent so you can tailor content that is more likely to get them to take action.

When it is done correctly, email marketing database strategies can deliver a much higher return on investment compared to search engine optimization, Google Ads and social media campaigns

One of the major benefits of email marketing is the ability to automate most of the process to save on labour. 

Another benefit is the intimacy of the medium. Email allows a business to engage in a one-on-one conversation with its individual customers and the data sources enable deep personalisation of that engagement. Which builds trust, intimacy, loyalty and advocacy.

By using data effectively and delivering the right content you can expect a high level of success from marketing emails.

Data analytics is an artform in itself, however, there are soe very basic analysis steps you can take to get your email data campaigns off to a flying start.

You want to get to know your target market and their behaviour so start with the basics.

  • How many are opening the emails? 

  • At what time of day? 

  • Which links are getting the most clicks? 

  • How many people are unsubscribing? 

  • Then you can start drilling down into the real analytics including how many people purchase your products? 

  • What is the average ROI? 

  • How many recipients convert into leads?

At Shout, we have a team of in house data analysts who can help you kick off an email marketing campaign, whip into shape your online marketing database, and then, analyse the results to optimise the next blast.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are metrics that you need to set to ensure that your email marketing campaigns are successful. And success can be defined as clicks, profit, leads or awareness. However no matter the KPI you set, the campaign should be making you more money than it is costing you. 

The key to meeting your email data marketing KPIs is monitoring the behaviour of your recipients and analysing these behaviours to ensure they align with your KPIs. 

For example, you might have a KPI set that you want at least half of the recipients to open these emails and click a link. If this is not happening, you know that you need to re-strategise your email campaigns, or optimise the email itself. Is the email being sent to the best people? Is the email getting opened? Is the email creative (visuals and copy) as enticing as it can be? Is the link prominent enough? Is the message clear enough?

Once the email marketing strategy and the associated KPIs are set, tailoring an email to achieve these KPIs will take some coordination, review and optimisation to achieve.

Data is all around us. But these facts and figures are useless to us without the proper implementation, analysis and optimisation. At Shout, our email marketing database providers commonly use this data in two specific ways:

  1. The first is to put the data to work in order to determine our client’s audience behaviours, demographics and intent. It is ideal if you can help us to discover their preferences as well as their transactional data so that we know if, when and where they will be more likely to purchase your products. 

  2. The other kind of data is to determine if your campaign has been successful. This post campaign data analysis is crucial to ensure that the set goals and KPIs established prior to the campaign launch are being met. We do this by auditing the clicks, comments, feedback, conversions and ROI of the email marketing data to see if you are achieving those goals. If the KPIs aren’t being met, the reasons why, or at least the areas of improvement, should be visible in the data. Where people are dropping out, who isn’t engaging with our email or who we didn’t include in our online marketing database that should be receiving these emails. 

This is your email list of actual and potential customers that you will be emailing as part of your marketing campaign. 

Large email lists obviously mean you are reaching more people, but it is more important to be reaching the right people. When it comes to email marketing databases, the rule of quality over quantity always applies.

Using data to determine if people are more likely to take actions like converting or purchasing helps you to assemble an email database that is going to be more effective.

Then, marrying up your database with bespoke email creative will ensure the right people are getting the email that will most likely make them convert.

To build an email database the correct (and legal) way requires data capture. And data capture encompasses a number of email harvesting strategies. 

  • You can create an opt-in form on your website.

  • If you have a physical store, you can add a sign in sheet at check out.

  • Create Facebook ads that lead to landing pages.

  • Generate social posts that promote your sign up form.

  • Store every email address from business cards. 

  • Host events and store registration email addresses. 

  • Exclusive mailing lists clubs or giveaways.

Direct mail metrics are the statistics and performance data related to your email campaign.

There are many platforms out there that allow you to automate the communications process to your email databases and these deliver detailed metrics for you as well. These include on-mail metrics which involve the recipient’s actions with the email itself and off-mail metrics that measure what they do beyond the email, like click on links, leave their details or make a purchase. Some of the most important email metrics include:

  1. Open rate – what percentage of recipients actually open your email.

  2. Click through rate – how many recipients actually click on the links within your email.

  3. Conversion rate – how many people clicked the link and then followed through to complete your desired action.

  4. Bounce rate – how many email addresses didn’t receive your email. This could be a one-off issue, or an actual problem with the email address.

  5. How many recipients unsubscribed.

  6. List growth rate – how fast your recipient list is growing.

  7. Spam complaints – are your emails being considered spam and what repercussions could this have with your reputable providers.

  8. Forwarding rate – what percentage of your recipients share, forward or post to social media, your email.

  9. Engagement over time – tracks customer behaviour to decide the best time of day to send your emails.

  10. ROI – calculates the overall money made from the campaign vs the overall money invested.

Email marketing campaigns aren’t just effective when it comes to marketing to customers, business-to-business (B2B) email marketing campaigns are also highly effective. Almost 80 per cent of all companies and agencies are using email marketing newsletters which means that if you are not using email to reach other businesses, you are at a significant disadvantage.

While email marketing is a great way to generate leads and drum up new sales, it is about much more than that. 

It is a great way to build up your brand and develop a relationship with your actual and potential customers while also developing your own personality. 

This is your opportunity to develop your style, tone and voice and share it with your customers to make them feel more engaged.

There are many great email campaign software options out there that can automate processes and deliver data and analytics. 

Check their capabilities to ensure they match up with your needs and also ensure they have a strong customer support department that you can actually reach. Customer reviews can help you gauge their satisfaction while their plans need to align with your budget. Many of these software options offer trial versions so you can try before you buy.

Also the experienced team at Shout know email campaign software inside and out. If you want to ask for our recommendations, just let us know what you want to achieve from your email data campaign and we’ll happily share our thoughts.

This will remain highly effective but it is also set to become more competitive. COVID-19 sent many businesses into remote, digitised, work from home models which forced them to develop strong digital marketing campaigns.

While we’re now living a COVID normal life now, these shifts will continue along this digital first path even with some return to brick and mortar offices. At Shout, we firmly believe that artificial intelligence and machine learning will continue to improve the automation process and that email database marketing will continue to be an important and effective touchpoint for businesses, big and small.

An X-Chart will show you how far a comprehensive database can take you.

The email marketing experts at Shout can’t wait to get to hit send on your next email database campaign. We’ve been at the top of our game for over 10 years, and as a result, know email marketing inside and out and we can prove it to you.  Starting with a simple 30-minute consultation, we’ll have your business on its way to growth, guaranteed. How? Through a Shout X-Chart, which shows you the sales we forecast for your business over 3, 6 and 12 month periods, just by putting to use your email marketing database. Built for your business and your needs, we’ll put together a tailored roadmap for guaranteed growth, called the X-Chart. Our X-Chart is the result of our tried and tested method of combining our expertise in email database marketing with your intimate knowledge of your business and customer. Together, we’ll identify your growth sweetspot, we’ll formulate a plan of how to get there, and we’ll map out the necessary steps to achieve that growth. And that agreed growth benchmark is guaranteed. So what are you waiting for? Unleash our email marketing database gurus today, and let the web analysts at Shout dive right into your data, headfirst. 

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In the right hands, an email marketing database is a potent weapon to grow revenue, ROI, build your brand and build engagement. Not only because of the unusually high ROI that the average email database marketing campaign can bring, but because with an email campaign, you own the channel. There are no limits, rules, restrictions or external policymakers restricting your creative. So it’s entirely up to you and Shout, your email marketing agency, to decide who, how, when and why you reach out to your database members.

A well kept and robust database is key to enabling deep personalisation of your email database marketing. And that rich personalisation goes well beyond the recipient’s name in the subject field. It encompasses close attention to detail regarding what it is that the customer wants to gain out of your brand. Is it information, a product, exclusive offers, early access or something less tangible, like a sense of belonging? Either way, your database and those who analyse it should be able to seek out these insights and inform your email activity.

Some of the more common uses of email service providers:

  • To build relationships and connect with a specific audience or individual

  • To build brand awareness at specific moments in the customer journey

  • To promote your content or assets when an audience is primed to engage

  • To generate leads with a value exchange like a discount code or subscription

  • To promote your products or service

  • To nudge leads further down the purchase funnel

Think of your own email habits. If you’re like the average Australian, you’re receiving anywhere from 50 to over 100 emails per day. We’ve all become very good at quickly identifying which ones need an urgent response, which can immediately be deleted, and which ones we can put on the back burner to address later, if we get around to it. So when planning your email campaign, it’s best to thoroughly plan it to ensure that your email is something that will not only get opened, but will also get actioned. And obviously, you want to avoid the spam folder at all costs. That’s where we come in.

At Shout, we always start with your audience. What are they looking for at this moment in time. Does your email hold relevance for them at their current point in their customer journey? And can our email and the creative within it be tailored not only to the reader, but to their hopes and desires from your brand?

Then we set the campaign goals. Based on past campaigns, or if there are none, based on industry benchmarks, we’ll help you see what good looks like. But we’ll deliver great. At Shout, good enough isn’t something we ever stop at. Our business model is based on a promise of over delivery. Which has led us to become the preferred digital marketing partner of so many household brands.

From here, we’ll tap into your database. If you already have an online marketing database, we’ll scrape it for targeted prospects and optimise it to ensure the data is clean enough for optimal performance. If you don’t have one, we’ll build you one over time, that delivers long term returns.

Together we’ll decide on the most appropriate email type, from a newsletter to a promotion, and a regular schedule for the highest possible open rate and click-throughs.

Finally, we measure, analyse and optimise the results for implementation in the next round of email communications. Testing and learning at every step. Interrogating every possible variation. Refining our data sets and sharpening our focus at each possible step.

One of the reasons so many businesses trust Shout to handle their email data marketing campaigns is that while we know all the right steps to take, we also know which mistakes to avoid. When it comes to database marketing, it doesn’t take much for your audience to unsubscribe. So here are some common pitfalls that other agencies fall into. 

  1. Don’t ignore a new subscriber. Always send them a welcome email, immediately. That’s when they’re at their most engaged, so welcome emails are usually the most read. Use this email to elaborate on your brand, what this new relationship will involve and what they have to look forward to. This is the start of what is hopefully a long conversation, so make it count.

  2. Don’t leave them hanging. Without a CTA, your audience will be left hanging. Before we’ll even start writing your email, we’ll know what the endpoint is. And a clear CTA will get the reader there. So start at the end, please. Make it clear, obvious and don’t be afraid to repeat the CTA.

  3. Stick to the script. If your emails start to go off the topic, or deliver something other than what you promised, you’ll turn a subscriber into an unsubscriber in seconds. Meet your reader’s expectations every time. Or just don’t send the email.

  4. Pay attention to detail. Typos, poor stock images, clunky attachments and the use of language that isn’t fitting of your brand or your audience will make the reader lose trust and lose interest immediately. Each communication must look, feel and be professional. When it starts to feel like a text message from a friend, you’ve gone from being a trusted brand to a message clogging my inbox.

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