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We’ll help you own Bing advertising and turn leads into conversions.

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Bing Ads = Less competition. More keywords. Bigger value.

Bing advertising, now Microsoft Advertising, gives you more options to be seen by more people, using the same tactics, for less. It's also a fantastic spot to bid on powerful keywords that might not be available to you through Google Ads. This means more power in search and more value for money. Give them a try. You'll be surprised at how we can make them work for you.

Michael Jenkins

Michael Jenkins
Digital Strategist

Our process to get more bang for your buck with Bing Ads.

With less competition for good keywords, Bing Ads are a cost-effective way to get customers onto your business pages. Here’s our process for how we can help you get the most out of your strategy.


Let’s consult

So how does Bing Ads compare? You’d be surprised at how much this channel works. You get more options to be seen by more customers without the noise and competition you get on Google. Whether you’re a business looking to grow or need a monthly boost, the experts at Shout will find out how a paid search engine campaign will work best for your business, all while keeping costs down. 


Create strategy

This is where we come into our own. Plan well, go well – that’s what we live by. We show you what your competitors are doing and the best ways to get Bing Ads working for your business. Together, we’ll formulate a tailored strategy that takes into account Shout’s experts’ experience with this channel, as well as what is working now in an always changing advertising environment.


Launch the campaign

Your Bing ads are on! Now we get to watch how they go. Is there anything that needs to be changed? If you think that your campaign needs a tweak, we’ll all jump in and get the work done. It’s all about getting the best results possible — getting people to your site for as little cost per click as possible. And because your campaign is always on the go, we’re available 24/7 to help your business when you need us.


Time to test

Testing and learning are two of the most important stages in any Bing Ads campaign. It’s an essential part of working out which strategies work and which don’t. It’s an investment in the future of your business. We test your ads to keep your site on top and your costs down. This means your campaign and future campaigns excel, and you’re spending less on each sale you make. 

Does your paid search advertising agency promise sales? We do.

Let’s see what pay-per-click advertising can do for your business. Set up a meeting with a Shout consultant to learn how effective it can be for your business. It starts with a Bing and ends with a bang! So, let’s do this.

Grow your customer base for less with Bing Ads.

Bing is the second biggest dedicated search engine in the world, with 1.5 million devices using the platform. And get this: Bing searches cost less. The more places you're seen, the more effective your marketing campaign is, and this search engine gets you seen by shoppers who don't use Google.

There are more of these people than you think, and they’re high-value customers looking to try something new.

Plus, you can reach them for far less than you'd expect. Whether you choose to only use Bing or use a strategic mix of both Bing and Google, our experts at Shout can lay out a plan for you that works.

Discover what Shout can do on Bing. With the right approach, and as part of a balanced search strategy, Microsoft Advertising can bring huge benefits to smart marketers.

It costs less to get onto the front of search results and allows you to trial more interesting search terms for less. Shout's team of search professionals understand how to maximise your search budget to give you provable and accountable results.

Maximise your growth with Microsoft Advertising.

Just like Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising (formerly Bing Ads) is a pay-per-click marketing channel that puts you on top of search results.

Despite the fact that Google carries much of the online real estate, Bing online advertising is still a powerful way to ramp up your reach and exposure, especially to those using Microsoft Edge as their default browser. 

Whether we employ Microsoft Ads, another PPC platform, or even remarketing, this platform links you with your biggest prospects, helping you overcome the online noise and mixed sales messages. Get the best possible chance at maximising revenue by taking advantage of the Microsoft Search Network, which allows you to reach new target audiences far and wide.

Best of all, you only pay for the ad clicks received. Enjoy lower cost per click (CPC) and a better ROI that drives profits right into your hip pocket.

Experience an extension to your marketing team with our Microsoft Advertising experts who are ready to dive head-first into your campaign, complete with paid media specialists and managers who know how to get the best possible result.

The missing piece of your puzzle.

No matter what your role is in your company, the biggest challenge is trying to get in front of your target audience in a competitive online landscape that continues to evolve.

Bing Ads campaigns let you tap into this potential, allowing you to expand your reach without wasting any of your budgets. Trust our experts to broaden your exposure through a holistic, multi-channel campaign, or run a solo strategy for specific offers – the choice is yours.

All of our campaigns are designed to be competitive, cost-effective, and high-performing for any goals you may have in place. Tie in your other marketing efforts, enjoy compelling ad campaign copy, landing pages and digital strategies that power your brand up in more ways than ever before.

Controlled by our eagle-eyed specialists, your strategy will be optimised in real-time, complete with data and analytics constantly collected. This becomes a crucial part of your campaign’s refinement, consistently tweaking your strategy for success. See us work our magic with analyses that then pave the path for more advanced outcomes. 

Level up with a Bing Ads advantage.

Choosing to work with Shout means you get a team of specialists who are dedicated to powering up your growth. With years of experience in the trade, we know how to optimise, tweak and evolve campaigns into end-to-end success stories.

Access instant leads, conversions and sales that change the way you do business for the better. Let us become an extension of your team, and you will see the difference first-hand. Enjoy strategies tailored for your needs, not everyone else’s, so you get the very best bang for your bucket. It all starts with a no-obligation discussion with our friendly consultants. 

More than just another agency.

Collaborate with our Bing Ads account managers to experience:

• Tailored audits

See where the gaps in your strategy lie and how to fill them effectively. Know how your PPC campaign ties into the rest of your marketing suite.

• Holistic strategies

No cookie-cutter process here. Enjoy highly targeted campaigns that are designed specifically for your brand and its prospects.

We're ready to make your Bing Ads sing.

Get set, ready and go with our search engine optimisation packages, designed for businesses throughout Melbourne and wider Australia. As online traffic continues to soar, there’s never been a better time to get ahead of your competition

Our experts know Bing inside and out. They can’t wait to get started on your campaign.

More conversions. More often.

Use Bing pay-per-click advertising, on its own or complemented with another type of search campaign, and get more people to your site for less. Let us show you how.

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Targeting expertise that drives ROI.

We’ve made dynamic search ads across Australia. By getting to know your goals, strategy, and your budget, we can replicate the ROI success we’ve had with others, for your business.

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Shout louder for less.

Second biggest doesn’t mean second rate. Using Bing search and pay-per-click advertising gives you a louder voice for less. We’re a search engine optimization services agency that knows how to make Bing a big part of your next campaign, so give us a Shout.

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Results worth shouting about

Your on-call Bing Ads expert.

Bing advertising FAQs

We’ve compiled a list of the most commonly asked questions about Microsoft Advertising & Bing Ads to help make your decision easier. Of course, if there are questions not included here, feel free to contact us and we will answer any questions you might have.

Bing is Microsoft’s search engine. So, it’s basically the ‘other Google’.

Microsoft Advertising (formerly known as Bing Ads) is an auction-based system where businesses bid for ad placement in Bing searches.

When Bing users run a search in the (Microsoft) Bing Search Network, relevant ads will appear beside the search results. These ads direct users to your website or to make an action like purchasing your goods. The more competitive your industry is, the higher the cost per click (CPC) charge will be to ensure that you appear before your competition does.

The Bing Search Network has 18% of the Australian desktop search market and sees 175 million desktop monthly searches around the country. That’s a staggering number of people and a remarkable opportunity for business.

So, Microsoft Advertising, as many will still refer to it, plays an important role in a cross channel paid search campaign. It’s a powerful combination in reaching prospects online.

While the overall audience is much smaller than the pool available on Google, Microsoft Advertising presents better value for money. Report Garden research has shown that advertisers will spend less money on Microsoft Advertising while enjoying a better click-through rate and a cheaper cost-per-click.

It’s easy to get started as all you have to do is set up a Microsoft Advertising account and get going.

You can choose your settings, your target demographics and input your keywords and phrases before you write your ads. You also have the option of importing your Google Ads as well if you’d like the same ads to run across both each advertising platform.

Of course, managing a campaign can be an entirely foreign task if you’re new to digital marketing. This is why Shout is here to help you from the start.

A common question might be ‘Why advertise on Bing Ads when Google’s network is so much bigger?’.

Microsoft Advertising has an enormous reach that extends beyond just Bing. You can reach 680 million unique monthly users that can’t be reached with Google Ads.

Advertising on Bing will also cost you less money, so it’s a key part of maximising your reach and your marketing investment.

The Microsoft Search Network is expansive and includes other search engines like Yahoo and AOL, plus partner websites and platforms around the world. The advertising appears on sites like Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Edge, MSN and other syndicated partners.

With Microsoft Advertising on Bing, you can set targeting options at both the campaign and ad group levels.

You can target a range of audience behaviours including geographic location, certain days and times of the week you know they are active. You can reach out to a particular gender or age, or by the types of device they are using. This targeting is available on both search and display ad campaigns.

While Google Ads has a higher search volume, there is also more competition which means it is more expensive and harder to reach the prime advertising spots. Microsoft Advertising cost considerably less and is more effective in terms of CPC and click-through rates. Each has its own independent search networks and targeting methods as well.

Using relevant keyword research and targeting the right audience is highly important in Bing paid search advertising, but there are many other ways you can optimise your strategy.

You can use negative keywords to reduce the number of irrelevant users that are seeing your ads. You can break your ads into separate ad groups to target them more closely. And you can make use of ad extensions to place easy calls to action in front of your audiences like your phone number or email.

 If you’re not sure how to handle all of the parts involved in Bing search advertising yourself, we’re happy to show you the ropes.

Yes. Bing ads offer search and display options across display, mobile, video and native channels throughout its network. You can create ads tailored for a range of devices and preview how they will appear on desktop, mobile and tablet devices. These will then appear on relevant third-party websites as banners, ads etc.

Yes. Bing ads offer search and display options across display, mobile, video and native channels throughout its network. You can create ads tailored for a range of devices and preview how they will appear on desktop, mobile and tablet devices. These will then appear on relevant third-party websites as banners, ads etc.

Yes, there is. Advertising campaigns on Microsoft Advertising have 36 per cent less competition on average compared to similar Google Ads campaigns. This has a large impact on the cost per click that you will be paying in your advertising campaign, with one report finding that the average CPC on Bing is $7.99 USD compared to $20.08 on Google.

This is where Microsoft Advertising really differs from Google Ads. Google has around 90 per cent of the market share when it comes to searches which means that its advertising network has a much higher search volume. Microsoft matches Google by including their advertising across large partner networks, like Xbox which has a much wider reach than the Google Stadia gaming platform.

While they are two rival companies, for users the best approach is to spread your advertising budget across both platforms to maximise the reach of your ads and ensure you are reaching the widest possible audience.

While Google Ads has a higher search volume, there is also a lot more competition, which means it’s more expensive and harder to reach the prime advertising spots.

Microsoft Advertising costs considerably less and is also more effective in terms of CPC and click-through rates. Each has its own independent search networks and targeting methods as well.

Get results with our Bing advertising agency.

The power of Bing PPC advertising is, for some, an untapped opportunity. You’ll find more than just prospects on the Microsoft search engine. You’ll find profit if you know how to get the most out of it. Want to know how? Get your free, tailored X-Chart.

Paid Search Services Agency Growth Multiplier

We know it can be tricky to equate any business growth you see, with the marketing you’ve invested in. But this is where digital comes in, with the ability to measure actions your audience has taken directly from your online ads.

It’s also where we separate ourselves from other digital marketers. Because we guarantee the outcomes of our digital marketing campaigns.

With extensive experience, careful planning and measurable channels, we can forecast the results you’ll achieve using our services like Bing advertising (now Microsoft Advertising). We’ve done just that for over a decade.

And we put this forecast for Bing online advertising in writing, on what we call an X-Chart.

Your free, bespoke X-Chart will show you the results we forecast for your company in the next 12 months. We’ll match your business needs with your marketing budget, and demonstrate exactly how far these can go.

Using paid search is a powerful way to get in front of millions of potential customers.

As the globe’s second-largest search engine, Bing advertising reaches the potential that Google can’t access. With 175 million desktop searches every month around Australia, it’s a channel you don’t want to ignore.

It’s also more cost-effective than a Google Ads campaign, so a Bing paid search advertising campaign (and particularly one combined with other PPC ads  will deliver far-reaching results.

But there are other paid search options that can add more zing to your Bing Ads campaign. At Shout, we can help you get the most from:

• PPC Management

• Google Ads campaigns

• Google Display

• Google Shopping

• Retargeting strategies

• Programmatic advertising

• Performance marketing

Our paid search marketing agency can utilise the best of Bing online advertising, Bing PPC advertising and Bing mobile advertising. Combined with strategies for other marketing platforms, and more, to ensure you’re reaching, engaging and converting the most prospects.

There’s no right answer for what works. The right strategy will depend on your business, your target audience and your goals, so we’ll work with this data to make sure our strategy works for you.

Think of us as your personal Bing advertising agency. Our consultants work as an extension of your team, treating your budget as if was ours. So, every move we make is designed with growth in mind – of your traffic, leads and business.

And as your growth partners, we’re dedicated to delivering results, whatever your investment.

If you’re just dipping your toe in, we can employ easy but effective updates like optimising your site with SEO (search engine optimisation). This will have an immediate impact on your web traffic, so you’ll gain more brand awareness and more warm leads.

Ready to invest in greater results? We can explore automating your marketing process to streamline your efforts. Creating a fast, functional and mobile-friendly website. And boosting engagement (leading to sales) on social media.

Got a little more to play with? With a larger investment, we can build a multi-platform campaign designed to maximise your audience reach and lead generation. From data marketing and email marketing to video marketing, if it’s digital, we can deliver.

Once your Bing pay-per-click advertising strategy is planned, your audience is understood, your work is executed and your campaign is live, it’s not necessarily goodbye. Because you can Shout for our dedicated support at any time.

Keep us on the books, and we’ll manage every part of your digital marketing to ensure it’s always working at 100%.

Plus, it pays to monitor the search engines for any algorithm changes that can affect your position in their rankings. When they change (and they often do), you need to act fast to ensure your business isn’t delegated to page 2 of the search results, where hardly anyone looks.

So, when the digital landscape shifts, when buyer behaviour changes or if anything in your business evolves, we’re here to adjust our strategy to suit.

We know it can be a full-time job, and that’s why we exist. For a business just like yours. Our professionals take care of your digital marketing needs, so you can take after your business

From Porsche to Bondi Sands, Tontine to Sass & Bide, we’ve helped all kinds of brands to build their business and their bottom line with creative digital solutions.

Discover the results we’ve delivered for these companies and more in our case studies.

Want to join them? Then call a Shout consultant to see what you can achieve with your free, tailored X-Chart. As your wingmen and women in growth, we want to see your business on this page, up in lights and out in the world, as far as you can go.

Find out how much you can grow today, with a guaranteed sales forecast. There’s nothing to pay, and nothing to lose. Just 30 minutes of your time, with no obligation, to see your future.

Invaluable insights

Marketing insight collection from the digital marketing industry, google algorithm changes, client case studies and proven marketing strategies that will improve your digital marketing campaigns.

Imagine how guaranteed sales would change your marketing strategy.


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