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We’ll help you own Google SEO and turn leads into conversions

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Optimise your video for every platform, every time

Video content only works if people watch it. With Google's bots looking for rich snippets, it pays to optimise.

Michael Jenkins

Michael Jenkins
Digital Strategist

The Shout SEO Process

Our proven process works and continues to work for businesses of all sizes & industries.


SEO Consult

We believe in the power of SEO. Properly applied, Search Engine Optimisation boosts your business. By boosting SEO leads. We understand how it works.

We work with you to understand your business challenges, keep up to date with the latest changes in technology and shape our solutions to match those changes to your business challenges. And we explain it in simple English.


Search Engine
Optimisation Strategy

We look at where you are. And where you want your business to be. We’ll work out an SEO strategy that gets you there.

By being smarter.

By making your SEO a key part of an aligned strategy.

By looking for the one thing you can do differently that turns, “good enough” into “no more please, we have all the business we can handle.”


Search Engine
Optimisation Execution

The best SEO campaign won’t get you anywhere if it’s poorly executed. We have some of Melbourne’s best SEO experts making sure what you’re promised is what you get. We’ll set up a plan that works, based on your business goals and your business plan. So you see consistent growth results. Every day. Every week. Every year.


SEO Review and evolve

Business is moving at the speed of digital. What works this week might not work next week. Your audience can change. Their tastes evolve. What gets their attention today might bore them tomorrow. We work hard to keep their attention, by making sure your SEO plan changes as the market changes.

Let’s get started on your SEO strategy.

Set up an SEO consultation and one of our SEO digital strategists can talk you through how we work and how effective good SEO can be for your business, how easy it is to align an effective SEO campaign to your existing digital strategy, and how many times better you can expect your online marketing to be.

Generate leads, ampify SEO and grow your business.

Videos shouldn't just be made to watch. By carefull selection of hosting sites, video advertising and marketing can be used to drive links back to your site, increasing vists and engagement and improving conversion rates. Shout's video marketing specialists will optimise your video summary and help you optimise your SEO. Shout knows how to make sure your video is the sort Google bots will be prepared to line up around the block to see. And remember. More and more people are streaming videos to their pocket. Which is, conveniently, where may of them keep their wallet. If they're not watching your video, ask Shout how a good video SEO strategy can turn their eyeballs in your direction.

Video advertising and video content isn't just a great way to get content out there, it's a fantastic way to get traffic in there. Shout knows how to make video do SEO tricks other content can't. Like rank higher for hard to manage keywords. Like rank higher on search engines because search engine love videos like Hollywood loves a scandal. Like acting as link magnets. And being more sharable content than any other. Shout is a video marketing agency that can help you: discover the benefits of socially boosting video SEO, develop winning video SEO strategies, optimise video seo and craft effective video seo strategies for mobile.

We’re ready to discuss our vision with you and see how we can bring yours to fruition.

Get set, ready and go with our search engine optimisation packages, designed for businesses throughout Melbourne and wider Australia. As online traffic continues to soar, there’s never been a better time to get ahead of your competition

Our team of SEO experts can help.

Improve SEO results and grow your ambitions

Improve your SEO, drive more visitation, significantly reduce bounce rates, encourage 8x longer dwell times, generate higher levels of organic traffic, and drive sales. With video. And Shout

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Generate leads with Video Marketing

Video generate leads. When amplified on social, and used for remarketing in pre-rolls and youtube, video marketing can drive consideration and leads like no other content.

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Drive visitors like you have a priority lane

Using smart tags and clever links, Shout’s video marketing experts know how to set up your video to drive visitors to your site and put your site on the front page of Google.

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If you want to see how we've delivered results, get in touch today.

Frequently asked questions

We’ve compiled a list of the most commonly asked questions to help make your decision easier. Of course, if there are questions not included here, feel free to contact us and we will answer any questions you might have.

Video marketing in 2020 gets results because it captures the attention of consumers quickly by being highly engaging to their relevant audiences.  With the rise of stories on social media platforms – including Instagram and Facebook – people are spending more time watching to consume information, which personalises the relationship between business and customer.

As a professional agency, we see how video marketing is attractive to the consumer as an easily digestible and shareable medium. It allows businesses to share their values and gives consumers a real-life picture in a world that craves a connection with people in the context of real life.

Utilising a campaign like this on social media takes planning, strategy and working towards goals, which is why many people seek out an agency for guidance and their expertise. Connecting with your users is often successful through thoughtful storytelling that has an emotional response and needs to be directed towards your targeted audience.

Got no creative skills but want to market to your target audience through videos? As an agency geared towards successful marketing choices, we know how to make clips that effortlessly captivates your targeted audience. Making video content requires using strategies to explain your business in an entertaining way that creates value.

The cost of this form of marketing will depend on whether you use amateur free tools or engage with a professional agency like us. The positive results gained from successful marketing far outweigh any costs associated with making content like this. Working out how much you can afford will determine how much it costs for you.

This type of advertising is a tool that increases engagement with your consumers and potential customers. Engaging with your audience through content that promotes your business and products in a way that is more than just entertainment. It is also a way to invite your audience into your world authentically.

With the rise in social media, video marketing has become increasingly popular and continues to move forward. Content like this also boosts sales and build trust between your business and the consumer. One of the most powerful components of this form of marketing is that it builds trust and creates long-term relationships.


When a business wants to engage with their customers, drive sales or raise awareness, videos are the best form of marketing because of how their audiences interact with information. This is not just using social media, but a clip on the main page of your website landing page can increase conversions.

When deciding to embark on this technique, there are several ways to create successful content. This includes educating your customers, use SEO for optimisation, use story not sales as your pitch and add a little humour. Want to know more? Our expert team can take you through making video marketing strategies for optimisation.

On the surface, visual content’s power is significant because it is easily accessible to anyone with internet access. On a deeper level, Google loves videos, which means you are more likely to show up in search results if you utilise it (and especially if you include optimised, catchy titles, tags, links and well-written SEO text). 

As an agency, we understand that a video marketing strategy is the creation, curation and utilisation of videos to engage audiences with information about their services and products. It is information that is easy to digest and develops a sense of trust with your consumers that turns engagement into sales.

Our agency sees the success of this type of marketing daily and knows how to make it work for your business. It is highly effective because of the rise in social media and people consuming content for entertainment through platforms including YouTube – which is the second-largest search engine in the world.

Latest insights

Marketing insight collection from the digital marketing industry, google algorithm changes, client case studies and proven marketing strategies that will improve your digital marketing campaigns.

Imagine how guaranteed sales would change your marketing strategy.


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