February 3, 2020

The Three ‘Tions’ of CRM – Automation, Optimisation, Personalisation

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Picture of Michael Jenkins
Michael Jenkins

CEO - Shout Agency
[email protected]


Welcome to the world of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and its three pillars of success: automation, optimisation, and personalisation. In today’s fast-paced and hyper-connected business landscape, effectively managing and nurturing customer relationships is vital for sustained growth and success.

In this blog post, we will explore the three “tions” of CRM: automation, optimisation, and personalisation. These key elements form the foundation of a robust CRM strategy that can revolutionise how you engage with your customers, streamline your processes, and drive business growth.

Join us on this journey as we unlock the power of CRM automation, optimisation, and personalisation. Whether you’re a small business owner or a marketing professional, these three “tions” will empower you to build stronger customer relationships, drive business growth, and gain a competitive edge in the market. 

CRM or customer relations management can help businesses to ensure that they are recording, tracking and nurturing their customer relationships in order to produce the best possible sales figures. 

CRM is a key part of any business strategy and in order to effectively manage customer relationships, there are three main processes that business owners should know about. These are the 3 ‘tions’ of CRM: automation, optimisation, and personalisation. 

In this article, we’ll take a look at all three of these processes so that you can better understand how to apply them to your business.

Let’s dive in and discover the transformative potential of CRM!


Automation is a huge part of CRM and getting your automation right will determine how well you maintain relationships with your customers. Once your customer base exceeds a certain number, dealing with every query, call, and email manually just becomes too much of a task – and that’s where automation comes in.

Thanks to developments in AI staying in touch with your customers and making sure they feel cared for is now easier than ever. Below are some useful CRM automation strategies that many businesses use.

Email Automation

There are many different ways in which to automate your CRM but a good place to start is with emails. Setting up automated email campaigns is a must for any business, and these campaigns can be as sophisticated or low-key as you feel is necessary.

“At a minimum, it’s important to automate a welcome email template to welcome new customers that have signed up to your mailing list or made a purchase.”

Michael Jenkins

However, there really is no limit when it comes to email automation, and used properly, it can help to keep your customers engaged with your brand and coming back for more. Some businesses set up automated campaigns to reach out to customers at set intervals after they’ve made a purchase. This helps to capture the attention of customers at just the right time when they may be thinking of buying more or replacing the item that they bought from you. 

Within a good CRM system, you can automate email campaigns based on a selection of data variables to make your emails more targeted and effective. And what’s more, setting up these automations doesn’t take long but could help to keep customers in your sales funnel for a lot longer. Automating your email campaign with a CRM can be a little tricky. In this purpose, you can seek assistance from an automation agency.


Another great automation tool to make use of is AI or chatbots. Let’s face it, it’s basically impossible to make yourself or your support team available to customers 24/7unless you have a huge budget, but with the right automations in place, you can ensure that your customers can receive some sort of help, even if you’re not around to offer support.  

AI chatbots are becoming an increasingly popular feature of modern websites, and they’re a great way to help customers navigate your site without the need for an actual human to answer questions.

Depending on how well your chatbot is optimised, it can help customers to find more information, answer specific questions and collect data and personal details from the customers that can help get them into your sales funnel.

Of course, there are some limitations to chatbots but they are a great way of ensuring that customers who only need a simple answer to a question aren’t put off by having to send an email or make a phone call to find what they want.

Although it might seem strange to automate conversations and interactions in this way, it actually saves a lot of time and hassle for both the customer and your business and when it’s time for the customer to speak to an actual support or sales rep, you can make a seamless switch that will make your customers happy.


The next important ‘tion’ of CRM is optimisation. It’s all well and good getting customers into your sales funnel, but you need to make sure that your marketing efforts are optimised to keep them there and attract new customers and start building relationships. 

With online ads and email marketing, it’s important to track clicks and regularly analyse data from your campaigns in order to ensure that you are fully optimising your customer relationships. You can use click tracking to gather information about what sort of deals and offers your customers interact with and what they didn’t to ensure that you only send the most optimised ads and correspondence to them.

You should also be optimising your marketing emails to make it easy for customers to click through and make a sale. Adding clear and actionable CTA’s and buttons to your emails can help make things that little bit easier for customers and can improve your conversion rates. 


The final ‘tion’ of CRM is personalisation. Personalisation is all about using the information you’ve collected about your customers to tailor communications to their specific wants and needs. One way to personalise your CRM and marketing campaigns is through segmentation.

Segmentation is the process of splitting your customers into different groups based on a range of factors. You can segment your customers based on age, geolocation, purchase history or even average purchase price. Splitting your customers into these segments can help you to harbour good relationships with your customers and ensure that you are sending the right offers and information to the right people.

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        As Founder and Director of Shout Web Strategy, Michael Jenkins is at the forefront of digital marketing. Since it’s inception in 2009, Shout has built a strong reputation as one of Australia’s leading strategic SEO agencies, assisting online businesses to formulate, implement and track successful marketing strategies. Michael is a respected thought leader and digital strategist, specialising in online strategy, corporate SEO, Google retargeting, email and conversion rate optimisation, and online reputation management. Follow Michael on Google+, connect with him through LinkedIn or visit the Shout Web Strategy website.

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