August 24, 2020

The Future of Intelligent Advertising

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Picture of Michael Jenkins
Michael Jenkins

CEO - Shout Agency
[email protected]

Throughout the history of advertising on the internet, most advertising used the shot gun approach. If you hit as many people as possible with your ad as many times as possible then you can generate amazing results.

In the fast-evolving landscape of digital advertising, staying ahead of the curve is paramount to capture your audience’s attention and drive meaningful engagement. The advent of data-driven technologies and artificial intelligence has revolutionised the advertising industry, empowering marketers with the tools to deliver hyper-targeted and personalised campaigns like never before. Welcome to the future of intelligent advertising—a realm where creativity and analytics converge to unlock unprecedented success for brands.
This is probably the reason why we never put the words intelligence and advertising in the same sentence. However, over the past few years that has begun to change. The reality is that every month, the typical internet user sees over 1,700 banners per month with a click through ratio of about .1%. That means if marketers are lucky, then a user will click on 1-2 ads per month.

This is abysmal!

It is the reason why Microsoft Advertising recently announced that 63% of consumers want technology in the future that automatically filters out unwanted messages or content. 8% of internet users today account for 85% of the clicks. That means the vast majority of people want to be left alone with the unwanted marketing. That is why over the course of the next few years, the biggest changes in advertising will be to make advertising intelligent. Instead of using the shotgun, advertisers need to connect with passionate users. This can be a tremendous win for consumers and advertisers. The consumers will not be bombarded with useless messages and advertisers can focus their ad budgets on interested prospects.

What are the key components of intelligent advertising?

A few components can change the game of advertising forever.

#1 Personalization Is Key– Econsultancy and RedEye released a reported that stated 92% of advertisers saw an increase in conversions when they personalized their search engine marketing efforts. In fact, 32% of found a “major” increase when the ads were personalized to their audience.
How do you do that on search engines?
Well, the easiest way to start is to look at locality. Google now allows you to not only break down your ads by state, city, metropolitan area, or postal code. That means if you own a shop in Brisbane, Australia you can create a specific campaign for your area. You would ensure that your audience is local, and you can avoid getting visitors from Sydney or even the Sunshine or Gold coast. Furthermore, you can also separate users by device, location, and search history.
If the user is logged into Google+, YouTube, or Gmail you can even promote your ads based on their bookmarks, email, and Google+ usage. Imagine creating ads for prospects based on the Google+ communities they participate in regularly. How much more valuable would that be to your ad budget to know that the people who click on the ad have a vital interest in your topic.
The power of remarketed ads- The importance of tracking cannot be underestimated. Once you have the personalization down, you need to track your success. For Bing ads or Microsoft advertising , marketers can use tools like Universal Event Tagging (UET). The UET allows you to tag and monitor visitors to your site. That way, you can track them for remarketing purposes after they visit your site. Google has similar technology for remarketing. The benefit of remarketing for intelligent advertising cannot be understated.
Just like in the real world where people need to see you seven times before they move forward with your services, people online need repeat exposure before they know, trust, and like your services. Remarketing ensures that you can bring them back to your site after their first visit by tagging their computer with code, so Microsoft can track them across their marketing network. Then whenever they are visiting other sites in the Bing advertising network, you have the possibility of directing them back to your site. According to HubSpot, some companies find as much as a 203% increase in conversions with their remarketing campaigns. That is not surprising, because if you use Bing or Google you then have access to about 85% of the web. According to the same information from HubSpot, 84% of your audience will see the remarketed ads over the course of a month… Without tracking your audience you would not be able to do this.
Transparency is important- With all of these tools, we need to remember one very important item. Transparency is vital to your success. 83% of consumers expect brands to ask for permission before their information is used. Over the past few years, major internet brands like Facebook, Google, and Amazon have all been raked over the coals on how they use information on their sites. This debate will only get larger as tracking and technology improve.
Helping you digest information- Furthermore, one of the biggest trends is having tools that digest the information for you. Microsoft Cortana and Google Now are the beginning of that trend. The search giants know that the more they provide you with relevant information the more you are interested in those services. By helping you digest everything, they can create the intelligent ads you want, instead of overwhelming junk you do not.
The digital personal assistants will become one of the major innovations in the next few years. Their power to provide intelligent ads cannot be underestimated.

Final Thoughts

Over the course of the next few years, advertising will continue to make huge strides as we begin to develop truly intelligent advertising. The results will help advertisers who want to connect with a targeted audience, and consumers who are tired of living in an over-advertised world. The best part is that many of the technologies needed to begin on that process are available today. If you are looking for ways to intelligently leverage your ad budget, then give us Shout. Our web agency is at the forefront of smart online ad strategies.
We would love to put our knowledge and expertise to use for your intelligent advertising campaign.


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        As Founder and Director of Shout Web Strategy, Michael Jenkins is at the forefront of digital marketing. Since it’s inception in 2009, Shout has built a strong reputation as one of Australia’s leading strategic SEO agencies, assisting online businesses to formulate, implement and track successful marketing strategies. Michael is a respected thought leader and digital strategist, specialising in online strategy, corporate SEO, Google retargeting, email and conversion rate optimisation, and online reputation management. Follow Michael on Google+, connect with him through LinkedIn or visit the Shout Web Strategy website.

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