November 17, 2015

Are you Using Instagram Correctly? How to Maximize Lead Generation with Instagram

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Picture of Michael Jenkins
Michael Jenkins

CEO - Shout Agency
[email protected]


Social media has been the holy grail of online marketing in the past few years. Everybody knows that it is your one stop shop for directly communicating with your target audience, building your brand’s image, and establishing your authority.
But some of the world’s top marketers know how to tap into the amazing potential of social media for generating a lot of money.
And, no – it does not concern the 200 billion-dollar giant Facebook. It’s a place filled with pictures of cute animals and people’s breakfasts.


Did you know that Instagram is the fastest-growing social media platform that online marketers use for generating leads? It is, in fact, also has the highest user interaction rate with brands – about 1.53%. As compared to Facebook’s 0.10% and Twitter’s 0.4%, that’s already a lot.
So how can you leverage these impressive numbers to fuel your lead generation efforts? Here’s how our social media agency’s expert do it for our clients:

Defining your Target

Instagram is just like any other lead generation channel. You can’t just toss a rock up in the air and pray you’ll hit your target. First of all, you need to paint a clear picture of who you’re targeting. Think about how they spend their free time, what source they get their news from, and so on. If you’re not a startup, consult your past consumer data to further define your ideal lead. Not only will this make the lead generation process faster, it will also optimize your sales by feeding strong leads down the funnel.

Optimizing your Instagram Account

Now that you have defined your ideal lead, you of all people should know what exactly they are looking for the moment they click your Instagram account. Make sure they’ll know it’s you by using your company logo or photo. Additionally, you need to insert a concise description that highlights the competitive advantages of your brand.
Remember that each visitor in your profile is looking for something. It is your job to make sure they will find it fast. Keep your introduction short and get straight to the benefits they can gain from you. Finally, point them in the right direction by placing a call-to-action that links to the specific landing page optimised for your ideal lead.

Extending your Reach

Now, you have everything set up for being the next big thing in Instagram. But there’s still a ton of work ahead of you. After setting up your storefront in Instagram, the next step is to bring people in.

  • Share for Share – A share for share strategy means taking turns with another Instagram profile to share each other’s content. This means you will gain exposure to their audience while they gain exposure to yours.
  • IG Content – The people on Instagram has specific preferences when it comes to the content they want to see. Statistically speaking, there are a few photo effects that generate more engagement such as Earlybird, Valencia, X-Pro II, Amaro, Hudson, Lo-fi, Rise, and Use these to stimulate re-shares and attract more followers.
  • Following your Leads – The old-fashioned way of generating leads in other social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook is to follow your target audience so they become aware of your brand.

Marketing Blitz

Remember that Instagram posts receive their highest engagement only within the first 2 hours. This little bit of detail can make the difference between success and failure, and it is crucial for getting the crowd going.
Basically, you need them to talk about your brand all at the same time. To do this, you’ll need multiple accounts to work and post about your product at the moment of release.  You may also work with other people with a large follower-base and have them post about your brand for 3 hours tops to save advertising dollars. Anything longer than that will not be as effective anyway. To keep the momentum and brand awareness, you should make sure people would still post about your brand for months.
Additionally, your posts should highlight your brand’s value propositions. In a competitive market, it is always a good idea to have as much separation between your product and theirs as possible.

On-going Optimization

In any human endeavour, learning is best done with action. Do not be discouraged if you get less than promising results at first. Instead, use your small errors as indicators to point you in the right direction. Remember that it takes months before you can successfully turn your Instagram into the lead-generating machine it’s meant to be – you just have to be patient and develop every single detail with absolute dedication.

After implementing the above strategies, if you are still not able to generate new leads from Instagram, then contact to our social media agency in Melbourne.

Book a free 45 minute consultation today.

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        As Founder and Director of Shout Web Strategy, Michael Jenkins is at the forefront of digital marketing. Since it’s inception in 2009, Shout has built a strong reputation as one of Australia’s leading strategic SEO agencies, assisting online businesses to formulate, implement and track successful marketing strategies. Michael is a respected thought leader and digital strategist, specialising in online strategy, corporate SEO, Google retargeting, email and conversion rate optimisation, and online reputation management. Follow Michael on Google+, connect with him through LinkedIn or visit the Shout Web Strategy website.

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