September 8, 2016

YouTube Live Comes to Your Mobile Device

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Picture of Michael Jenkins
Michael Jenkins

CEO - Shout Agency
[email protected]


As more and more users look at live video from their phone, the king of video just added some feature to their mobile devices to help usher in additional options for video creators.

While they maybe late to the party, this could be a game changer for those who use the YouTube to promote their business. Businesses will soon have the ability to share live videos straight from their mobile devices straight to YouTube.

Furthermore, it seems that just shuttered its doors, so this could be the perfect time for YouTube to enter the market.

Below we discuss more about how YouTube Live works on mobile devices, along with the benefits of using this platform to shoot video.

How does it work?

While YouTube has offered live streaming to users via their desktop app since 2011 (aka Google Hangouts), this is the first time this feature has been available directly on YouTube’s mobile application.

The new feature is still in the process of rolling out to consumers everywhere, it should be available to consumers shortly. As YouTube stated, “We’re launching today with The Young Turks, AIB, Platica Polinesia, SacconeJolys, and Alex Wassabi at VidCon and will be rolling it out more widely soon.”

Once it is live you can access the feature by going to your YouTube mobile app on your Android or Apple device. Then hit the red capture to start live streaming video straight from your home.

They even have methods to help prevent unauthorised access to your YouTube account, so hackers do not create live, inappropriate videos from your account.

5 Ways YouTube Live Help Businesses

1. Additional searchable videos

As any video marketer can tell you, one of the greatest benefits of YouTube is the ability to be featured on the Google and YouTube search engines.

These are powerful search engines for picking up clients and prospects for your business. The more videos you have, the more chances for being found.

Now you can create engaging videos live at your retail shop, conferences, sales calls, and other remote destinations. No need to fool around with fancy equipment. Shoot and go.

Once a video finishes, it is automatically saved to YouTube. Remember to fill out a description, title, and relevant tags to help YouTube know the best way to index your video.

2. Increase engagement

Video traditionally increases engagement with business and consumer clients. For example, Forbes reported that 65% of executives visit the company’s website after watching a video, while 39% call the vendor afterwards.

Live videos provide additional opportunities for engagement, because they give customers an emotional attachment to your content that you do not often receive from blogging or other text based content.

Furthermore, YouTube videos help you chat with your audience in real time as well, so you can answer their questions from your mobile device as you record yourself.

This live interaction does not happen with traditional videos, since most of the time the video creators can only check their account a few times per day to monitor engagement. Live video provides the opportunity for live engagement.

3. Safer

Businesses value their content, and need to protect it even more in many cases than your average consumer. That is why according to YouTube their new mobile live streams have more security than competitors like Periscope and Facebook Live.

They have more experience than other platforms with providing a secure technical platform to create video content.

Furthermore, YouTube has strict controls in place ensuring unauthorised users cannot create live content. This is a major concern for brands, because they have a number of staff with access to social media accounts. If an unauthorised user mistakenly gets access, then that person could create damaging content about or from a brand.

4. Improves lead generation

As we mentioned above, video has the power to create conversions. However, to do this we need to go back to point number 2 about how content must be engaging.

We discussed in Turning Content into Leads, the best way to do this is to create an emotional connection. As we mentioned earlier, video is one of the best forms of content for creating this emotional connection. Therefore, it should not be surprising that it leads to additional conversions in the process.

5. Incorporate with retargeted ads

Finally, we speak often about the power of retargeted ads on Shout.

Our article Remarket, Reengage, and Convert discusses the purpose of creating good content to help prospects make minor commitments to your product long before they purchase.

Live videos from YouTube bring new blood to your site. You can then provide retargeted ads on Google and Facebook to provide additional opportunities for new visitors to learn more about your product.

In essence, YouTube Live videos can be a great start to the lead generation process. However, it is even more important for capturing the visits from those users who might not have checked out your website if not for video.

Final Thoughts

While YouTube is not a pioneer in live video, it does provide more proof that the future of digital marketing contains more live video. As more marketers look to create live videos for their niche, it is important that they incorporate it into their marketing playbook.

Let us know if you have any questions about how to use YouTube marketing for your business. If so, feel free to connect with our expert staff at Shout for a free consultation.

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        As Founder and Director of Shout Web Strategy, Michael Jenkins is at the forefront of digital marketing. Since it’s inception in 2009, Shout has built a strong reputation as one of Australia’s leading strategic SEO agencies, assisting online businesses to formulate, implement and track successful marketing strategies. Michael is a respected thought leader and digital strategist, specialising in online strategy, corporate SEO, Google retargeting, email and conversion rate optimisation, and online reputation management. Follow Michael on Google+, connect with him through LinkedIn or visit the Shout Web Strategy website.

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