June 21, 2016

Omni-Channel Retail Strategy

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Picture of Michael Jenkins
Michael Jenkins

CEO - Shout Agency
[email protected]


Sass& Bide is one of the most well-known, high-end fashion labels in all of Australia. They have a large following, great brand, and loyal customer base.
That is why a few years ago when they wanted to increase their revenue they gained online and offline they reach out to a high-end digital marketing company: Shout!
We helped Sass & Bide create an Omni-channel retail strategy that increased their revenue for their business offline and online.
The specific results were a 44% increase in web traffic, along with a whopping 49% decrease in the average cost per sale digitally.
By combining their offline brand along with their commitment to service their customers online, we helped them develop an Omni-channel retail strategy.
This is a vital component that most retail businesses lack today. However, having the right Omni-channel retail strategy is a must. That is because the savviest retail outlets in the world have already committed their resources to ensuring a smooth process between online and offline marketing and purchases.
The big question is how can your business incorporate an Omni-channel retail strategy. Below are retail strategies to help you start or optimize this process.

3 Ways to Improve Your Omni-Channel Retail Strategy

1. Complete Customer Experience

The first key is you must provide a pleasant customer experience from the first time they hear about your brand to their purchase to customer service you provide after the sale.

Customers need to know that your care. Prove to them you do by having the best website layout, product packaging, shipping options, customer service, and product quality.
The more you make them feel special, the more they will go out of their way to use your service online and offline. The way you do this is by providing them with the best possible customer service.
The best way to determine where your company needs to improve with customer service is to use surveys and other assessments. Customer feedback can be vital for a company to understand what they can do to provide the complete customer experience to their base.

2. Local Inventory Checks

We mentioned in our Google Shopping Updates for the Holiday article how customers find it irritating when they check a product on the web and then find it is not in stock at the store.

You wasted the customers time, and probably lost a few sales in the process. If you want to have an omni-channel strategy, you need to make sure your data stays consistent across multiple channels.
This requires having the technology to process orders and maintain inventory across multiple channels. While it sounds complicated, several tools like Ecomdash, Sellbrite, and other inventory management tools help you track your inventory through all of your sales channels.

3. Multiple Channels, Multiple Devices

Remember today’s consumers might not only interact with your business on multiple channels. It is possible customers will interact with your retail store on multiple devices.

For example, they could check out your site first on their desktop. Later a customer can browse your products on their tablet to do price shopping. Finally, they might double check your address on their smartphone on their way to your store.
Be conscientious of the fact that retailers often must interact with patrons on diverse platforms like Google Shopping, Amazon, Etsy, and retail stores across smartphones, tablets, and desktop devices.
This means measuring your Omni-channel strategy for device usage is vital if you plan on succeeding. The right tools can help you identify the customers who use the multiple platforms along with the devices they use as well.

Final Thoughts

Having the right Omni-Channel retail strategy takes time to develop. However, when you focus in on the platforms you can reach out to customers, as well as how to ensure they have the best possible interactions with your brand you can go a long way to boost your business.
If you still have any questions about how you can do this for your own business, contact us at Shout for a free consultation session on the best ways to implement an Omni-channel retail strategy for your business.

Book a free 45 minute consultation today.

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        As Founder and Director of Shout Web Strategy, Michael Jenkins is at the forefront of digital marketing. Since it’s inception in 2009, Shout has built a strong reputation as one of Australia’s leading strategic SEO agencies, assisting online businesses to formulate, implement and track successful marketing strategies. Michael is a respected thought leader and digital strategist, specialising in online strategy, corporate SEO, Google retargeting, email and conversion rate optimisation, and online reputation management. Follow Michael on Google+, connect with him through LinkedIn or visit the Shout Web Strategy website.

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