July 28, 2020


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Picture of Michael Jenkins
Michael Jenkins

CEO - Shout Agency
[email protected]


We are seeing new behaviours in society, business, and culture as we transition back to normality. Ecommerce has boomed through the pandemic and has likely converted late adopters.

Marketing technology has become so intuitive and measurable, you are simply leaving revenue on the table if you aren’t experimenting with different communications, mediums, and channels. 

Here are some fast and simple ways to accelerate sales:

1. Focus on conversion, and make your website a sales engine. 

Review the calls to action. When someone logs into your site, they should instantly be able to answer three things;

  1. What’s your site about?
  2. What is your value proposition?
  3. What’s the first thing they want me to do? 

We have done dozens of in-person user tests and have seen people often stumped on these three questions. 

Steve Krug in his book “Don’t Make Me Think” talks about removing friction from a user and making the process as simple, fast, and elegant as possible. Look at implementing Hotjar onto your site to provide heat maps, scroll maps, and user screen recording to help provide valuable user insights.

Another option that makes testing easier is usertesting.com where you can pool user testers in your target market within minutes, and provide real-time, actionable data. 

2. Develop a direct response campaign and a limited-time offer. 

  • Create an offer that has a time constraint and creates the fear of missing out. Have ample social proof in the form of videos, testimonials, and recent purchaser plug-ins if you have an eCommerce shop front.  
  • Define the customers who haven’t converted and remarket to them with your campaign message.
  • Where possible, try and capture their email address as they are leaving the page with an exit-intent banner.
  • If you capture their email, send an automated drip email via platforms such as Hubspot, that keeps them warm and is more likely to lead to conversion. 

A/B test different messages to see which resonate most.

  • Most sites don’t have a strong value proposition or a strong call to action before the user scrolls, be that with their mouse, or their thumb. 
  • Give clear and compelling direction for the user, making sure there is always something of value on the other side of the click. 
  • Test different headlines, hero images, calls to action copy, button colour, and positioning. After reviewing the data, it will be clear which is the strongest message and layout to lead with. 

3. Drive Recency & Frequency through remarketing & email. 

Remarketing is a powerful way to help create an ‘echo chamber effect’. When someone searches one of your keywords, you want them to find you first. When they do, ensure you are given the perception that you have the highest-profile in the market. 

By having your site appear high on the search and then remarketing across Google, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram, you will create an effect of “they are everywhere”. This, in turn, will build your brand as a leader in your industry.

4. Try New Mediums and Channels. 

Most businesses focus on just a few channels, not understanding the power of attribution, and how each channel collectively works together to create a conversion. You can consult with our SEO agency in Sydney experts to know which channels suit best for your business.

5. Be where your competitors are not. Test channels and fill the white space.

You find the best value when you play in a channel your competitors are not. By creating multiple touchpoints across different channels, your overall user journey will outperform your competitors, and result in greater market share. Or, find out more about these touchpoints, and how we can increase your foot traffic out of lockdown.

Building personas, user journeys, mapping content, and overlaying paid amplification to content and ads will make a significant lift to conversion rates, brand perception and ROI on campaigns. 

If you want to multiply your sale by 2x, 5x, 10x, 100x, speak to one of our growth experts to get an X-Chart in just one consultation. And the kicker? We guarantee it 

If you want to understand more ways to grow fast, contact our SEO agency in Melbourne, or call 1300 122 110 or email [email protected] today.

Book a free 45 minute consultation today.

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    Be smarter than the rest of your team.

    Give us your email address and we promise to send you the best articles on a wide spectrum of digital marketing topics to help your business grow to the next level.

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        As Founder and Director of Shout Web Strategy, Michael Jenkins is at the forefront of digital marketing. Since it’s inception in 2009, Shout has built a strong reputation as one of Australia’s leading strategic SEO agencies, assisting online businesses to formulate, implement and track successful marketing strategies. Michael is a respected thought leader and digital strategist, specialising in online strategy, corporate SEO, Google retargeting, email and conversion rate optimisation, and online reputation management. Follow Michael on Google+, connect with him through LinkedIn or visit the Shout Web Strategy website.

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